Is Heritage Broadband Rural Internet Service Any Good?

An insightful review to determine if it's right for you

Is Heritage Broadband Rural Internet Service Any Good?

Heritage Broadband is a Texas-based internet service provider headquartered in Florence, TX. Heritage Broadband provides fixed wireless internet services (no relationship to how cell towers work) that brings high-speed internet services to mostly underserved rural communities in Central Texas.

About Heritage Broadband

When you compare Heritage Broadband to the other internet provider options in their service areas, Heritage Broadband definitely sets itself apart.

signal tower for rural internet providers like Heritage Broadband
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With lightning-fast internet speeds (up to 100 Mbps), and reliable service even during poor weather conditions, Heritage Broadband's internet service is a good option for everybody from online gamers to people who work remotely from their home offices, or people who just tend to binge-watch The Office over and over again (there's nothing wrong with that...).

Here are a few of the most crucial details about Heritage Broadband internet services.

Service Areas

Heritage Broadband provides internet services primarily in communities located North, and West of Georgetown, TX. If you live in Andice, Bertram, Briggs, Florence, Jarrell, Liberty Hill, Prairie Dell, or Schwertner, then chances are, Heritage Broadband probably has sufficient internet signal coverage in your area.

screenshot of chat with Heritage Broadband representative saying they added a second tower to upgrade internet service Jarrell, TX.
My Chat with Them

Jarrell, TX has been the fastest growing community in the state of Texas for quite some time, so they have placed a heavy focus on infrastructure in that area to provide fast and reliable internet services in Jarrell, TX.

Heritage Broadband is one of the primary internet service providers in Jarrell, TX. The other internet provider in Jarrell is Suddenlink which the citizens of Jarrell have a love-hate relationship with.

Plans & Pricing

Like any high-speed ISP (internet service provider), the price you pay per month will depend on which service plan you choose to sign up for. Unfortunately, this is one area where Heritage Broadband is not very transparent; you won't find any of their plans or pricing listed on their website.

They say that the reason is because pricing and plans vary depending on what services they're able to provide based on your location, which means you'll have to call, chat, or email them to get more information.

screenshot of a chat with Heritage Broadband discussing pricing, plans and their internet service limitations.
A Chat With HB

However - based on comments on social media - it appears that for those who live in city limits, most Heritage Broadband customers are paying well under $100. There is an exception for those who live further out in very rural environments; your bill could be as high as $150 if you're really far out.

Remote locations need internet too.


Internet Speeds

Heritage Broadband customers routinely report download speeds and upload speeds that are consistent with the plan that they are paying for. For example, this user provided a screenshot showing that they are hitting 95 Mbps for download speeds, and 15 Mbps upload speeds, which is almost identical to the speeds they are paying for on their internet service plan:

a screenshot of Heritage Broadband's upload and download internet speeds.
Screenshot of their users's FB Comment

Cable and fiber internet companies like to boast about their high speed internet by throwing out big numbers like "400 Mbps", but the truth is, unless you have a dedicated line directly to your house (such as direct fiber lines), those numbers tend to be thrown around pretty loosely in terms of what speeds you ACTUALLY get on a consistent basis.

Heritage Broadband provides internet speeds up to 100 Mbps, and it's a dedicated data signal, not shared.

They specifically designed their broadband infrastructure to provide dedicated high-speed internet to the countryside in America, so that you have a dedicated internet access signal. A dedicated signal helps to ensure more consistent internet speeds (not just "bursts" of speed like most providers), and more reliable internet connectivity.

Do they have Data Caps?

No. Heritage Broadband has made it very clear that they do not have any data caps.

screenshot of Heritage Broadband's website talking about no data caps and no throttling.
Heritage Broadband Website Screenshot (2021)

Do They Throttle Data Speeds?

No. Heritage Broadband states on their website that they do not throttle data.

Is it good for gaming?

Yes, Heritage Broadband is good for gaming. Whether you're a heavy online gamer or online streamer (including 4K), Heritage Broadband has the bandwidth to make you happy all day long.

screenshot of a Facebook comment from a Heritage Broadband customer saying they never have buffering or glitches with their internet service.
Screenshot of Heritage Broadband Customer Comment


Similar to their pricing, reviews are another area where Heritage Broadband is not what I would consider "transparent". They do not have reviews enabled on their Facebook business page, so the only place you can find reviews (at the time that this article was published) are on their Google Business listing.

Google Reviews screenshot from Heritage Broadband's GMB listing.
Screenshot of Heritage Broadband Google Business Listing (2021)

They currently have a 4.6 Star Rating on Google Reviews, which is good by any standard and in any industry.

I also routinely see Heritage Broadband come up in discussions on various local, private social media groups, and in general, the reviews almost always tend to be positive. One of the most frequent things I read from their customers is that their customer service is excellent.

Limited internet options? Let's solve that.


Overall, customer satisfaction at Heritage Broadband appears to be stellar.

Contact Information

You can call Heritage Broadband at their office at (512)548-6932 or visit their website.

Heritage Broadband Competitors

Surprisingly, there are quite a few rural internet providers in the state of Texas. If you're looking for a broadband provider in the state of Texas, particularly Central Texas, you will likely have access to multiple providers, including (but not limited to) the following: